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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

On a much MUCH lighter note...Beerios!

As I sit here enjoying a delicious dinner of Yuengling Chicken (for those of you not from the north east, it's kind of like Guinness Beef stew, except way lazier and less involved), I can't help but ask you all:

What is the best alcohol imbued dish known to man?

Yesterday's: Wow, you guys got really serious on me. I expected some offensive answers, but like funny offensive...shit. Alrite, here's my logic for this one. Nicole, there's already a long list of things that I'll probably go to hell for, I'm not adding calling Jesus overrated to that list, so you're right out. Cardamone, although you're right, way too serious for me right now. Martina, correct me if I'm wrong, but The Mona Lisa was in the Louvre before Dan Brown wrote that Novel right? People have thought he's a genius for a long time and there are so many more overrated artists you could have gone with (see Jackson Pollack, possibly the most overrated hack since the invention of paint, I'd take a cave drawing any day to his "look at me look at me I'm dripping paint, i have no control over my medium" approach. If you have no control over your medium, it just means you're a shitty artist. Fuck him. He gets my vote.) Which leaves two runners-up and a new champion. Runner-ups to O-Train and (surprisingly because she picked a wop) Becca. Matty is today's champ, though.

Susan B. Anthony. Women aren't smart enough to vote or run for president. That crazy floozy started all this nonsense about equal rights for men and women when we all know that women have a brain 1/3 the size of a man's. It's science. Because of Susan B Anthony we have those stupid crappy silver dollars which are way less convenient than a bill and men have to worry about things like "sexual harassment." It's really inconvenient and makes the work place much less fun. Good thing that glass ceiling is holding up well.


I not 100% sure what she's famous for, but she didn't deserve a gold coin.

Christopher Columbus. Dumbass didn't even find the right continent. Asshat.


Nicole Cammorata said...

Raaaay. I was being sarcastic! You're a pussy for not choosing me.

Nicole Cammorata said...

And to answer today's question: I once had this butterscotch brandy french toast at brunch that was orgasmic. I think it was at the fireplace in Brookline. It was amazing. Lick-your-sticky-fingers good. It doesn't matter what I write anyway, it's not like you're gonna pick it - you snob! ;)

Anonymous said...

Beer brats. It's beer and sausage. It's camping food, and it's manly as shit. It's the standard bearer for all alcohol foods.

Unknown said...

Cheese fries from your local Jersey diner.... just doesn't get any better than that.

Anonymous said...

Vodka rigatoni, DiSanza style. It's outwardly simple, but amazing after a good day of skiing. Runner up goes to fajitas made while heavily intoxicated from Ray-aritas.

Anonymous said...

On a side note, I'm not being a kiss ass, simply choosing what I believe to be the best while also reminiscing about the good days of things like college and spring break. If I return my degree, can I go back for another year?

Anonymous said...

On another side note, if Cardamone is Tiger Woods, does that make me Phil Mickelson?

Ray said...

Haha, not drunk food that actually has alcohol in it...that you use alcohol to cook. And Nicole, that may be so, but at least I'm a pussy who isn't going to be struck down by the angry hand of God next time I leave my apartment. If I get attacked by a shark the next time I go surfing, I'm blaming you.

Anonymous said...

I think I shouldn't be considered like Tiger. I'm more like Belichick.

You see me answering, it doesn't appear like I'm that much better, but I just keep fucking winning, because that's what I do. I appear homeless and stupid, but a very smart mind hides beneath it all.

O-Train said...

Bourbon Shrimp Flambe.

I've been making this recipe for years. The main ingredients are 1 lb shrimp, heavy cream, bourbon, butter and tomato paste. After cooking the shrimp in the butter, you add the bourbon and set it on fire. Any 100+ proof bourbon makes this lots of fun. Remove the shrimp, then reduce the cream and tomato paste until it's a really thick sauce. Add shrimp, lemon juice, and chives, and serve over wild rice or jasmine rice. Works even better if you drink bourbon while cooking this.

Anonymous said...

Beer Battered Fish and Chips. drizzle with vinegar. no tartar sauce.

And I know the Mona Lisa was in the Louvre before the novel you ass. But the Louvre is overated too!! Fuck the Louvre. Do you seriously look at the Mona Lisa and think its one of the best paintings ever? I hope not. I take it your not a fan of modern art. whatever floats your boat. I agree about Jackson Pollock though.

Anonymous said...

So Cardamone, since I'm the only one who seems to beat you, does that make me Mike Shanahan? Fuck the Pats, GO BRONCOS.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Matty. You won ages ago, and occasionally you pull one off, but it's never the big one.

Plus, for some reason, your answers keep dying.

(too soon?)

Unknown said...

Hahaha! I must confess I answered that post while kinda intoxicated myself, so you could see why I read that the way I did. But you gotta admit had the question been about drunk food, I probably would've won with my answer. Or mac & cheese....mmmmmmm.

Ok, so to answer the real question... I'd have to go with... beer-battered anything, but to be a little different, I'll say two things: Beer cheddar (that cheese dip that I could eat by the spoonful), or Bananas Foster. So sweet and delicious and an amazing way to end dinner.

And now I'm really hungry...

Anonymous said...

Cardamone, not cool it's been way too soon. You have to wait 22.3 years for that to be funny. Kiss my ass. Now that we have a good QB, we'll contend again and when we play you in the playoffs, just remember how the Pats do against the Broncos. What are you? Like 1-9 against us?

Anonymous said...

I dunno, but we got a hang of that whole "winning the Super Bowl" thing a lot quicker than Denver. What'd it take, like four tries (and Terrell Davis) for Elway to stop choking and win the damn thing? Then they looked like they had a decent team, but poor Donkeys, the Patriots had to come along and build a better team and win more Super Bowls.

And forgive me if Jay Cutler doesn't have me shaking in my boots. It took a bullshit PI and a bullshit play where Champ fumbled it through the endzone for the Broncos to win the last playoff game, and then they choked, because that's what they do without #7 or TD.

P.S. Sorry, Ray, for all this playoff team football talk. Some of us have teams that have won something since the end of the 60s, ya know?

P.P.S. I couldn't do a football discussion without dissing the Jets somehow. It just didn't feel right, kinda like Chad Pennington's shoulder when he tries to throw the ball more than 8 yards.