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Saturday, May 26, 2007

A top 5

It was going to happen eventually:

Desert island all-time top five Summer driving songs. Remember, this is not a matter of opinion, it's fact. The five songs that you pick (or however many you choose to post) are not your favorite summer driving tunes, they are the 5 BEST SUMMER DRIVING SONGS EVER.

Yesterday's campione: Nick with Matty as the De Facto runner up

Nick: Lindy Ruff would win. I'm pretty sure Vermeil's a Christian, so he may have God and Jesus on his side. But Ruff (for now) has Drury on his side, and if Drury proved anything playing against BC over his career at BU, it's that he can beat the shit out of soldiers of Jesus.

Matty: Ruff would definitely win. I mean, did you see him go after the Senator's after Drury got hit? When have you ever seen Vermeil do anything like that? Ruff wins in a landslide KO in the 1st round because, as a former hockey player, he actually knows how to fight.

1 comment:

jaybruzz said...

Alright, top 5 summer driving songs
5. Folsom prison blues by Johnny Cash - ok so its about a train, it's still got a sweet rhythm
4. (Highway to the) Danger Zone by Kenneth Logins - how can you make a list about summer music without Kenny Logins. How, I ask you, HOW?!?!?
3. California Girls by the Beach Boys - you could argue that many Beach Boys songs could make this list, you could also argue that this song is better for cruising as opposed to actual driving, either way it serves its purpose
2. Summertime - Sublime - that's a no-brainer
1. Jessica - the Allman Brothers - these guys invented the driving song. it can't not be no.1 on a list like this
