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Friday, September 7, 2007

High Fidelity the Musical equals auto DQ

That means you O-Train. I refuse to acquiesce to matty's request to DQ Nick though because let's face it, I love Journey, but they deserve to be fair game.

Who is a bigger pain in the ass to deal with: The electric company, the cable company, the phone company, or Apple Customer Service?

Things to consider: It was very hot in my apartment last night with no air conditioning because a billing mix-up led to my power getting shut off (It also meant that I couldn't post a new question). It was fairly painless today getting it turned back on, though.

Yesterdays: I give it to the M's. Michelle wins, Honorable mentions to Matty and Martina.

Michelle said...

This is an incredibly tough question. For some reason, Streetcar Named Desire got me in high school. It's a classic and made me cry... I know, strange. I just felt so badly for Blanche's character - she's just so sad.

As far as musicals go, Les Miserables (back when it first opened...when it was GOOD) is definitely up there. When I saw it at age 10, I fell in love. It was so powerful and so beautiful and moved me to tears at only 10 years old.

Then I saw it again in middle school and it was awful. Why it left and then came back to Broadway is beyond me.

Finally, I think I also have to vote for Avenue Q. I saw the original cast and it was AWESOME! Finally an ORIGINAL idea on Broadway (well a spoof on sesame street sorta, but original enough) with every song hysterical. Not only that, it ends on such an uplifting note and one that applies to all. I think I might have to say Avenue Q is the best.

That's all I can say right now. Totally lacking any ability to be articulate and intelligent. I wouldn't be surprised if this entry is filled with typos and awkward sentences.... "I'm so aaaawwwkward!!!"

martina said...

Death of a Salesman. Such a well written and sincere character studay.
Regarding musicals, it's a tie betweem Les Miserables and Phantom.
If dance counts, then I will also have to mention Romeo and Juliet. It would make sense to say the play by Shakespeare, but the ballet is actually a lot better oddly enough. Sorry, I'm kind of a ballet whore.

Matty said...

Phantom of the Opera. WAY better than Cats and has been around for a long time, too. The music in it is unbelievable and no show I've been to has impressed me more than Phantom has. There's something awesome about having the lights go down and the organ theme blasting throughout the opera house. Simply amazing.

I'd like to give a runner-up nod to Tchiakovsky's Nut Cracker. You talk about something being critically acclaimed and being around for a while . . . great theater with some amazing athletes (I don't care what anyone says, ballet performers are absolutely athletes and could probably beat the crap out of a lot of baseball players. Think about it, they toss people around . . . unreal).

I move that Nick be DQ'd for once again ripping on Journey and people who like Journey. The wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' . . .


Anonymous said...

The phone company. Because every time our phones and internet go down at work, it takes at best 3-4 days for the stupid motherfuckers to get their shit together and fix them, which is pretty fucking hard to deal with when you're working at a newspaper.

We're actually currently in one of those stretches. My advice to all of you is to never, ever, ever consider One Communications for anything, because they suck donkey balls.

Anonymous said...

reak it down. Problem with the phone company? It's related to either bills or service, but there's not a lot they can do for you . . . you signed the outrageous contract for crappy service. Electric company? If they screw up, they'll audit it and admit they messed up (at least they did at my house in CO when we got $1500 bill for one month . . . guess they typed one too many zeroes). Cable companies are a close second. They try and screw you at every turn, getting you to buy something by not telling you how much it is and then having it cost $25 a month extra. Plus they hit you with bullshit charges for calling. Total bastards. The winner and all-time champion of shitty service is Apple. Considering they have the portable audio player market covered, if you call about an iPod you can go fuck yourself. They could care less about you and htey know you're locked into buying a new one. Sure, there are other choices out there but the second you buy something from iTunes you're locked in, and they know it because you can't play the song or movie any other way. Ever have a problem with iTunes? I have. I've never called a company that knew so little about their own program. Unvelievable. Oh, your iPod broke? Ok we'll fix it . . . oh, there's a tiny ding on the back. You're screwed. Fuck you, Apple. If I hadn't spent $1000 (at least) in your crappy online store, I'd have a Zune by now. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't switch because I hate my iPod, but because I hate Apple. They've become everything they bitched and moaned and filed in federal court that Microsoft were. Fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can say that I approve of with you, but you may be considering other options.
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