Wednesday, September 5, 2007
bar games
Yesterday's: I give this one to Becca and O-Train because, yes becca, i still have nightmares about that episode of csi too, and o-train yea, that would suck to go out that way. Retroactive honorable mentions for two days ago's question to O-Train (Elizabeth Swann, Pirates) and Martina (Prince Eric, The Little Mermaid).
Anonymous said...
Trivia. Mainly because I'm the fuckin balls when it comes to trivia. I've been on such a good run of trivia, that I haven't been on a team that finishes outside the money in well over a month, and this is going, on average, twice a week.
Trivia provides you the chance to actually win some prizes while your drinking, whether it's money (Ts) gift certificates (Our House, White Horse) or water guns and slushie makers (also Our House).
And like I said, I like games I'm good at, and as Nicole can attest, for some reason, my general state of retardation clears up whenever someone's asking me to risk points on answering random questions at a drinking establishment. -
September 5, 2007 at 8:10 AM
- Nicole Cammorata said...
Definitely Trivia. Nick, I'm gonna come and do T's this week - sound good?
September 5, 2007 at 8:15 AM
Anonymous said...
It does you and Joe (at least) are a damn good foundation for a team.
September 5, 2007 at 8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
While trivia is very fun, especially when your drinking, my vote is for pool. Not so much because I enjoy playing it, but because one of my favorite movies is "The Hustler" and Paul Newman is my favorite person of all time.
September 5, 2007 at 9:23 PM
I've given this one a bit of thought (mostly while trying to think of anything that is worse than freezing in a North Dakota winter). Slowly being eaten by bugs, while suffocating because you're trapped in a coffin buried underground is the absolute worst way to go.
In fact, I'm now going to have nightmares about this. THANKS A LOT.
My second choice of "worst way to go" is being forced to watch the BC goal scored on Fields from 180 ft. away until I decide to put myself out of my misery by hanging myself with my own shoelaces.
September 4, 2007 1:13 AM
Buried alive.
Thinking of the Utah miners, that's got to be the worst way to go. You're trapped, maybe with a few friends, maybe alone, and you're stuck with your thoughts. Is anyone coming to save me/us? How much air is left? How long can I live without food?
It's dark, it's cold, and it's slow. The psychological side is much worse than the physical, where you slowly drift off. You've got time and thoughts, and you are wondering if you told everyone in your life that you loved them, and if you apologized to everyone you wronged, and what'll it be like when it's all over. The psychological drama is far worse in this case, which is why it's truly the worst way to go.