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Monday, September 3, 2007

Still kicking

Against all odds, I survived another day. I didn't drown or get eaten by a shark while I was surfing, get struck down by the angry hand of God or a speeding drunk driver in a circa 1987 Honda Accord--you know, the ones with the with flip lights--but it got me thinking, what's the worst way to go?

Yesterday's I'm going to give it to Nick and Becca because they probably would have won even if anyone else posted, plus I agree with Nick, I'd hit Ariel when she had legs, and Becca is just awesome, especially the last line.

Becca said...

Captain John Smith, the blonde hottie from Pocahontas. He was all cocky and attractive singing swinging from ropes on the ship. Also, if Poc-a-hot-ass was willing to sell out her people and her country for him, he must have been good in the sack. Keep in mind that I'm completely ignoring the historical John Smith and only focusing on Disney's version.

He could put a little captain in me anytime.

Nick said...

The Little Mermaid when she had legs. Hot as hell.


Anonymous said...

I got two answers for this one, because there are just so many ways to go out.

I think being repeatedly stabbed in the stomach and torso, but having the knives miss the heart, would be the worst way. Motherfuckers gotta be right on you to stab you like that. You know you're fucked, but there's not the chance of an instant death like with a bullet. Going the way of Caesar seems no fun to me.

Also, goin out like Nicky Santoro (Joe Pesci) in Casino would be awful too. Repeatedly beaten with aluminum bats, as you watch your brother beaten the same way, then stuck in a hole and buried before you're dead. Doesn't seem all that fun.

And I'll let you guys know in like 10 years or so what a heart attack feels like, so you'll get a sense of how bad of a way that would be to die.

Becca said...

I've given this one a bit of thought (mostly while trying to think of anything that is worse than freezing in a North Dakota winter). Slowly being eaten by bugs, while suffocating because you're trapped in a coffin buried underground is the absolute worst way to go.

In fact, I'm now going to have nightmares about this. THANKS A LOT.

My second choice of "worst way to go" is being forced to watch the BC goal scored on Fields from 180 ft. away until I decide to put myself out of my misery by hanging myself with my own shoelaces.

O-Train said...

Buried alive.

Thinking of the Utah miners, that's got to be the worst way to go. You're trapped, maybe with a few friends, maybe alone, and you're stuck with your thoughts. Is anyone coming to save me/us? How much air is left? How long can I live without food?

It's dark, it's cold, and it's slow. The psychological side is much worse than the physical, where you slowly drift off. You've got time and thoughts, and you are wondering if you told everyone in your life that you loved them, and if you apologized to everyone you wronged, and what'll it be like when it's all over. The psychological drama is far worse in this case, which is why it's truly the worst way to go.

O-Train said...

Oh, and another thing:

I couldn't answer yesterday's question in time, but my answer would have been Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes, I'm the only one here who would have chosen a real live human being over some ink on paper.

Anonymous said...

Buried alive for sure. No question.
Muscle cramping, suffocation, you and your morbid thoughts alone in a coffin for god knows how long till you finally succumb to the heat and lack of air. completely brutal.

As for yesterdays question, Prince Eric from the little mermaid. He had that shaggy dog Max. It was adorable.

Phoebe said...

Mine is a real threat:

Line drive to the temple or hockey puck in the same spot.

Sure, it's quick and will probably make Sports Center, but it's the worst for me because it's constantly on the back of my mind. Getting stabbed repeatedly or buried alive are terrible, don't get me wrong, but not a lot of us are in scenarios where that is the possible outcome almost every single day.

Anonymous said...

Don't die Phoebe!!!!

That wouldn't be cool.

What would my equivalent be to Phoebe's scenario? I guess a runaway truck careens down Comm Ave and wipes out the ad office, trapping me under a monstrous wheel. Either that or some form of out of control construction equipment goes through the window and decapitates me.