Tuesday, September 11, 2007
as we near 100 episodes
Yesterday's: My favorite thing about football season is that "border-line alcoholic" ceases to be a viable category and instead people just call you a "sports fan."That's why I've gotta give it to nick for pointing out how amazing this time of year is for sports fans, even though he forgot to mention that it also represents the beginning of Soccer Season (Serie A, English Premiership, Champions League). Honorable mentions to the girls.
- Becca said...
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one!!
Everybody Loves Raymond, for the simple fact that NOBODY LOVE RAYMOND.
I understand that the show is only in syndication now, but that's still too much. I want those nine seasons of my life back.
Stupid show should be banned from television forever.
Currently FILMED show that needs to disappear is Two And A Half Men. Duckie from Pretty In Pink and Charlie Sheen (drug and porn addict) raising a young boy? Just give it up, CBS. Do the world a favour and take this show out on some deserted lot, shove some M-80s down its throat and light the fuse. -
September 11, 2007 at 11:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Because Last season was so ungodly terrible, that I have no faith that they can put together another solid season.
Too many good characters have been killed off, Jack is becoming a self-parody, and they've officially crossed the line over 'suspension of disbelief' to 'that's just ridiculous, retarded, and you have to throw in laughably bad acting too?' And why the fuck is he obsessed with Audrey Raines, she's whiny and ugly. He was banging Connie Britton (the wife in Friday Night Lights who is currently the hottest milf on TV by far, not tomention a fantastically cool character) at the beginning of season 5 and he's caught up with Anorexic Audrey and her awful nose job? Fuck that.
I watched most episodes last year, until the final month, when I realized, 'Wait a minute, I hate having to find time to watch my DVR of this every week...why am I bothering' and I quit cold turkey.
I may give it a shot this year, but I highly doubt they have another reasonable (for 24, at least), interesting storyline to give me anymore.
24 is also a product of the paranoia of the Bush presidency, and while it capitalized well on that, it's suffering as we cut through the bullshit as we near (kind of) the day Bush is finally out of office. -
September 11, 2007 at 11:46 PM
- Scheity said...
The CBS Nighttime News.
September 12, 2007 at 12:25 AM
Anonymous said...
Family Guy. You and I both know that the first 3 seasons pre-cancellation were amazing. Season 4 was mediocre, Season 5 was more mediocre, and apparently they're doing a season 6. Family Guy should have ended with the Stewie Griffin Movie and called it a day. The jokes are played out and they're starting to re-use a lot of material (think, the Peter holding his knee in pain bit). Unfortunately, this will happen when you're show is written by manatees. We need to remember Family Guy as the show it was before it got canceled and just not recognize that it was ever really brought back into full production.
September 12, 2007 at 1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
The Real World!
This is the true (fake) story of seven strangers
picked to live in a house (that they don't pay for)
and have their (sex) lives taped.
To find out what happens
when people stop being polite
and start being duchebags.
The Real World.
The first few seasons were pretty interesting, but now it's all the same...young trashy obnoxious alcoholics running around like chickens with their heads cut off, humping anything that has a pulse. It used to be kind of funny, but now it's just pathetic and annoying.
MTV sucks. -
September 12, 2007 at 11:09 PM
Damn man, I just love those Sundays sitting on the couch, watching the early games and watching the incredible combo of size, speed and violence come together in this amazingly athletic way.
The fact that from 1 pm till about 11:30 pm, there's about an hour of time during the day when there's not a game going on, and you can just sit there and watch these guys sacrifice a lot in order to win game sis pretty incredible.
Plus, when football season starts, it means you're that much closer to hockey season starting and the beginning of the baseball playoffs. It's one of the best times of year.
The wings...
...and the crisp autumn air
Boys suddenly leave you alone, cause they have a place to be a couple nights a week.