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Friday, August 3, 2007


The song blame Canada was in fact nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song and was performed at the academy awards by none other than Robin Williams. They lost to Phil fucking Collins' 'You'll be in my Heart' from Tarzan, then promptly turned around and ripped Phil Collins a new asshole in the third episode of Season 4, just three weeks later in Timmy's very first episode (Collins is shown repeatedly waving his academy award statue around while professing his own musical genius) Oh and in case you didn't guess it already, South Park was the big winner today. But more on that later.

First, today's question: What is the worst thing to ever come out of Canada?

Yesterday's Winner: Matty. Like I said, I've gotta give it to Southpark (Matty, Martina, Michelle) with a definite nod to Cardamone's Jack Ass response. I feel like the Fugitive TV series and Movie were too far apart to really say that the TV show spawned the movie, it was more a case of revisiting and I make a distinction there that I probably should have made more clearly in the question, but oh well. By that rationale you could include The Saint with Val Kilmer, or Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise in this category and I just don't think I'm ready to do that. Same thing for including Wayne's World, All of a sudden A Night at the Roxbury is elligible for consideration and I'm just not OK with that either. Plus South Park just kinda kicks the crap out of everything else...I'm sorry. I can't help myself. That movie movie has warped my fragile little mind.


South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. Saddam and Satan and they plan world domination. Terrance and Phillip in trouble for making kids swear. War with Canada. Vive la resistance. The songs are amazing, the characters are brilliant, the plot is genius. What more can you ask for? It's an amazing movie and an groundbreaking show that makes me proud to have graduated from the same high school as Matt and Trey. Ray, when choosing the best answer to today's question, ask yourself, "What would Brian Boitano do?"


Anonymous said...

That fucking twat Bryan Adams, with a nod to Celine Dion. What asshole forgets the words to his own fucking national anthem, let alone the BEST national anthem? As if that wasn't bad enough, what asshole forgets the words to the anthem at THE NHL ALL STAR GAME. AND IT WAS IN CANADA. Take your shitty Robin Hood theme song and shove it up your ass. Go back to Canada. As for Celine, I wish Leo had let go a lot earlier and saved me three hours of horrible movie and that terrible, terrible song. It still bothers me that she sang God Bless America during the 9/11 tribute. Fuck her and, more importantly, fuck Bryan Adams. Both of those no talent ass clowns deserve a pain worse than having to listen to their albums on repeat every day for a year.

Anonymous said...

Nickelback. It's like they heard a 20 second clip of Scott Stapp ripping off a 20 second clip of Pearl Jam and made a band that somehow manages to be worse than Creed. Add to that the lead singer's atrocious hair and goatee, and I'd be all for an America vs. Canada Shitty Band matchup where Journey and Nickelback go head to head, but everyone in both bands dies a horrible, painful burning death while their idiot fans are forced to watch with eye clips like the ones Alex is subjected to in Clockwork Orange.

To top it off, I'd urinate and defecate on the bodies (only after the fire had went out) and plant a big New Hampshire state flag in each of the still-smoking husks of Steve Perry and Chad Kroeger's bodies.

(I may have lost focus somewhere in the middle of this one...not sure)

Unknown said...

The geese.... they shit all over the place

Nicole Cammorata said...

Steve Perry's not in Journey anymore Nick.. DUH! haha. Great answer. Remind me never to let you near small children. :)

Anonymous said...

I love kids...they don't sing Journey songs.

Although I will teach any of my spawn that Journey is evil, and listening to them will cause brain tumors.

Anonymous said...

I move that Cardamone be DQ'd for hating on Journey.

O-Train said...

Alan Eagleson, a hockey agent, promoter, and the first executive director for the NHLPA. He was accused of racketeering, fraud and embezzling player pension funds, and eventually pleaded guilty to some charges.

He was also accused of collusion with teams he favored. After Bobby Orr's Bruins contract ran out, he told Orr that the Blackhawks had a great deal for him. It was later discovered that the Bruins actually offered Orr one of the highest paying contracts in sports history, as well as an 18% stake in the team, but never discussed any of this with Orr.

Eventually, he was disbarred from Canadian Law, removed from the Order of Canada (Canada's highest civilian honor), and resigned from the Hockey Hall of Fame after several prominent players (Orr, Howe, Hull, etc.) threatened to leave the Hall. He had been elected to the Hall in 1989 and was/is the only known union official elected to the hall of fame in any major sport.

In closing, I'd like to point out that this man royally fucked over Bobby Orr. And let's face it: Bobby Orr is probably the greatest defenseman of all time, and he sat in Section 8. You fuck with Bobby Orr, you fuck with Section 8. End of story. BC still sucks.

Honorable Mention:
-- Celine Dion
-- Mike Danton (hockey player who conspired to kill his agent)

I would also like to mention that Bryan Adams does earn some redemption for singing "O Canada" at MSG before Gretzky's final game