Monday, August 27, 2007
DQD is Moving to Dublin
Yesterday's: I'm going with a little three way here today, I'm sure Becca won't mind and I don't think O-Train or Cardamone will either. The real winners tonight, are the Irish, for blessing the world with Guinness. If you're ever anywhere where they serve "Guinness Extra Cold" do it, it's amazing. That said, I have to give a nod to Peroni because it is, after-all, la birra dei campioni. Also, Michelle, I love you for quoting south park, but you should have held onto that quotation because Michelob is a domestic beer.
- Unknown said...
Ok seriously, am I just retarded? (don't answer that) This is why I never did well in reading comprehension on those standardized tests. I neglected to see the "non" in that question and instead decided you wanted the best domestic beer. I was just so excited to show everyone the beauty of my name that I ignored the actual question. Glad I could slightly redeem myself with the South Park quote though - I'm glad you still love me, Ray, despite my inability to read.
And to continue down that train of thought, I cannot contribute an answer to this question because well, I never read Joyce's Dubliners. I shall now walk away with my tail between my legs and try to improve my reading comprehension. *tear* -
August 27, 2007 at 8:10 PM
- Becca said...
"I'm going with a little three way here today, I'm sure Becca won't mind"
It's true. I'm not answering today since I'm too busy enjoying my three way. -
August 27, 2007 at 9:44 PM
Anonymous said...
no one mess with Chao, it's too much fun riding the O-Train and the Cardamone Bone.
(And yes, I kind of did wanna make all of you throw up. Just a little bit.)
True story, I took Finnegan's Wake out of the library when I was in high school...figured if it's the title of a Dropkick Murphys song, might as well try reading the book.
I never made it past the first page, and I kinda gave up on Joyce after that. I may have actually been supposed to read The Dubliners in class, but, well. That didn't happen.
So I'm gonna go with the Pogues' "Body of an American" and go back to giving Becca the night of her life. -
August 27, 2007 at 9:51 PM
- Phoebe said...
Does that have pictures?
If not, I haven't read it. -
August 28, 2007 at 9:58 AM
Guinness. Better taste, great stoutness, black as hell. Watching the cascade of a pint of Guinness gets you all riled up to taste it, and then when your lips actually touch it, it doesn't disappoint in the least.
Plus, add to it that Guinness uses raw meat to add that special little bite, and you have what may be the perfect beer, period.
The only people who don't like Guinness are pussies and girls.
August 26, 2007 10:51 PM
Screw you, Nick.
1) I'm a girl and I love Guinness.
2) You stole my answer.
August 26, 2007 11:37 PM
The original "meal in a can."
True story: I have a buddy in the Marines who once spent 2 days living off nothing but Guinness.
August 27, 2007 8:42 AM