Yesterday's: So Many to Choose from, so I'll put them in what I find to be the most logical order.
Nick: Drink all the beer in your fridge before it gets warm.
O-Train: Throw now-spoiled lunchmeat from the fridge at Cardamone after he's passed out from drinking all the beer in the fridge.
Michelle: naked hide-and-go-seek.
Becca: It's a little game I like to call "Who's In My Mouth."
So everybody gets drunk, then throws spoiled lunch meat at the now passed out drunkest of the drunk, strips down for a game of naked hide-and-seek, and then when you find somebody they get to play "who's in my mouth". I wish my power would go out more often.
I actually don't think this is quite what you're looking for, but John Cusack on the phone with his sister in 'Say Anything...'
"She gave me a pen.
I gave her my heart...and she gave me a pen."
Rob Gordon: "What's the point? It never goes anywhere" to Penny Hardwick, leaving her broken and sobbing on the stairs to her house. No line better illustrates the harshness of high school relationships.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
i know. i know. boring. but a classic, none the less.
"Listen, Coop. Last night was really great. You were incredibly romantic and heroic, no doubt about it. And that's great. But I've thought about it, and my thing is this. Andy is really hot. And don't get me wrong, you're cute too, but Andy is like, cut. From marble. He's gorgeous. He has this beautiful face and this incredible body, and I genuinely don't care that he's kinda lame. I don't even care that he cheats on me. And I like you more than I like Andy, Coop, but I'm 16. And maybe it'll be a different story when I'm ready to get married, but right now, I am entirely about sex. I just wanna get laid. I just wanna take him and grab him and fuck his brains out, ya know? So that's where my priorities are right now. Sex. Specifically with Andy and not with you."
-Katie, Wet Hot American Summer
Eileen you beat me to it!!! Classic. And amazing. No joke, I've been craving that movie lately and I went to three stores last week and not one of them had it!!!
"I'll be Winnie the Pooh to your Christopher Robin...see, Christopher Robin outgrew Pooh. He had Pooh when he was a child. Then when he matured, he didn't need him anymore. You don't realize it now, but you'll be changing. And I can't be your Pooh." -- Timothy Hutton in Beautiful Girls
I think Eileen should win - that was right on. However, I will contribute. Here's a little something from the classic movie, Swingers:
[message left on answering machine]
"Uh, Nikki? Mike. It's uh, uh, it's just, uh, this just isn't working out. I think you're great, but maybe we should just take some time off from each other. It's not you, it's me. It's what I'm going through, alright? It's's only been 6 months--
Nikki: [picks up] Mike?
Mike: [very cheerful] Nikki? Great! Did you just walk in or were you listening all along?
Nikki: Don't ever call me again.
[hangs up]
Mike: Wow. I guess you're home."
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