Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hitler has been reincarnated as a fish
Yesterday's: I've gotta go O-Train again with an Honorable mention to Becca because she gave me the title for today. The conspiracy about O-Train not being allowed to win, though clever, wasn't even as good as my crab conspiracy. Those sons-of-bitches are after me.
Anonymous said...
As someone who enjoyed Friends, I never could stomach the show Joey. It ruined what was one of the cornerstones of 90's TV along with Seinfeld, Cheers, and Fraser. Friends should have died. Instead, NBC tried to catch spin-off lightning in a bottle twice like they had done with Fraser, but made a fatal mistake. The show which had made Fraser a famous character was still running. He made appearances on Cheers, and Sam and others appeared on Fraser. Also, Kelsey Grammar is a good acter, as opposed to Matt LeBlanc who's claim to movie fame is Lost in Space and a Charlie's Angels movie. None of the friends characters stood well alone. That shitty travesty of a show should never have been conceived, and I hope whomever thought it up has since been fired and is working for CBS.
July 23, 2007 at 12:32 AM
Anonymous said...
1. People were too stupid to watch Freaks and Geeks and it was canceled after only one brilliant season. The show launched Linda Cardellini (now on ER), Busy Phillips (eventually on Dawson's Creek), Jason Segel (How I met Your Mother, Jason in Knocked Up), Martin Starr (Martin in Knocked Up) and perhaps most importantly since he starred in the funniest movie of the summer (Knocked Up) and then wrote the other funniest (Superbad), Seth Fucking Rogen.
Show had hear, it was hilarious and it was the best show about high school ever.
2. Arrested Development got cancelled because Americans are too stupid to grasp it's brilliance.
3. The Wire, which is the greatest TV show ever, and this year aired the best season it's ever had, was nominated for zero Emmys, most likely because it doesn't get huge ratings (America being stupid again), it's set in Baltimore (anywhere other than LA or NY need not apply, unless it's a soap opera set in a Seattle hospital) and it's thought of as a black show, which as much as we as white people may not like it, still is an enormous factor in America. American white people can't really watch black actors and characters doing something other than being gangsters, and while that's an element of The Wire, it's the surface of the show, not what it's really about).
Basically, the general public is too stupid to appreciate TV that's more than TV, it's legitimate art, unless it's about mobsters (and even then, most people really didn't have a fucking clue what was going on in The Sopranos...they just wanted to see greaseballs whack each other.) -
July 23, 2007 at 12:40 AM
Anonymous said...
(That was supposed to say, 'show had heart')
July 23, 2007 at 12:44 AM
- O-Train said...
Given that reality tv is out of the question (although, The Simple Life would probably take the cake), I'm also lumping in sports/sports broadcasts into the untouchable mix.
That being said, perhaps the worst tragedy in television was when Doug Stanhope and Joe Rogan began hosting The Man Show for Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla. Everything was off. The Man Show managed to regroup after the death of Bill "The Fox" Foster ("Zicky zocky, zicky zocky! Hoy! Hoy! Hoy!"), but after the departure of Kimmel and Carolla, the show should have ended. Stanhope and Rogan didn't have the chemistry, and their true act was far too racy for television.
Honorable Mention: Dave Chappelle loses his shit and goes to Africa, effectively ending "Chappelle's Show." -
July 23, 2007 at 1:20 PM
The honest answer: Holocaust denial. Among the beliefs of Holocaust deniers are that the number of Jews killed were greatly exaggerated and that gas chambers never existed.
The "so bad it's funny" answer: "Paul is Dead." It was believed that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike/sound-alike. People found "clues" in their music alluding to this, such as the message "Paul is dead" which could allegedly be heard when the song "I'm So Tired" was played backwards. Also, it was believed that the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was set to look like a graveside funeral with several other "clues" representing the fallen Beatle.
I'm with O-Train on the Holocaust denial. It makes me so angry that people can be THAT retarded. It's like trying to deny that the sun rises everyday.
Slightly related, I saw a koi fish in Hawaii that was all white, probably 12 or 13 inches from tip to tail, with a black spot right above it's mouth. Yes, the fish had a Hitler mustache.