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Monday, October 8, 2007

Throw Joe under the Bus

Hooray! The Wicked Witch is dead and now it remains to be seen whether or not George Steinbrenner will stick to his word and fire Joe Torre. In honor of Joe, who are the all-time top 5 famous Joes in history?

Yesterday's: I've decided that I hate the prospect of this movie so much that I'm not going to choose a winner. Matty, Vern Troyer would be an awesome Elroy, and O-Train, it's a bold decision to have an interracial Jetsons, and I respect your boldness, although I don't know how much I agree with the call on that one. Anyway, I hate you both for answering this question, and I hate myself for asking it. And I hate MNF for taking so long, because I want to put on the post-game press conferences and see if Joe gets his pink slip delivered to him at the microphone, or if George is at least going to be courteous enough to wait until tomorrow. But mostly I just hate live-action remakes of great cartoons. Wow, Buffalo is like Jets bad. The AFC East Sucks.


Anonymous said...

It's nice that the AFC East sucks. I mean, it's good that the Pats have essentially seven bye weeks this year since those other teams are so bad.

As for the famous Joes.

Joe Stalin - Famous killer

Joe DiMaggio - Famous song lyric...also a decent player

GI Joe - Famous Real American Hero

Fat Joe - Famous fat Latino.

Joe Lieberman - Famous Jew.

Anonymous said...

Most famous Joes

Joe DiMaggio. I heard he had a really long hitting streak once.

Average Joe. The guy fooled a bunch of attractive women into hanging all over him. That makes him famous in my book.

Joe Sakic. Just a future Hall of Famer and the most respected player in the league right now. No big deal.

Joe McCarthy. Get your lynching ropes out and let's find us some Reds!

Joe Namath. Because I'm being a kiss ass. Speaking of kissing, where's Suzy Colber when you need her, right Joe?

Anonymous said...

I forgot my second favorite Joe.

Joe Strummer - Famous Punk.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Joe Stalin
Joe McCarthy
Joe DiMaggio
Cotton-eye Joe
Joey Lawrence

Phoebe Sexton said...

In no particular order:

Joe Schmoe -- most talked about guy when you don't really know who you're talking about.

Joe Camel -- that crazy cigarette smoking (and then cancer-getting) camel who tried to convince kids everywhere we could be as cool as him by smoking. because all kids idolize camels...

Joe Conrad -- Russian born guy who didn't even learn English until his 20s and still managed to write "Heart of Darkness," one of my favorite books, which then became the movie Apocalypse Now, which, among other notable achievements, wins the award for best use of Vagner.

Joe of Bethlehem (husband of Mary) -- successfully duped all of humanity into thinking they didn't have sex before marriage, making people think Jesus was a product of immaculate conception and, thus, the son not of Joe but of God. This led to the creation of Christianity, which, in the long run, completely altered Western history and, more immediately, really, really pissed off the Jews.

Joe Rouse -- One half of college's best party-throwing duo. And he doesn't look half bad in a dress. (...He looks all the way bad.)