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Thursday, June 7, 2007


What Superhero has the worst mild-mannered alter-ego? We're talking such a worthless, puny, dorky alter-ego that it seems like either of yesterday's combatants could take him down.

Yesterday's winner: Adam

Does anybody really win when two dudes start making out during a fight? They would instantly fall in love the moment that Daly got his hands on Seacrest's man-junk and the Carson Daly Show would become the Ryson Deacrest show, airing immediately following American Idol. Nobody wins.


Anonymous said...

Peter Parker. I know...too obvious probably.
He's a "photo journalist" for a paper equal to that of the New York Post (lame), and I think he even rides a moped (lamer).

Anonymous said...

Clark Kent. Because he puts a pair of glasses on and expects no one to realize who he is. What a shithead.