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Sunday, June 3, 2007


Apologies for the lack of a new question today. I have no excuse, so it's up to you guys to come up with one for me.

What would be an acceptable excuse for my not posting a new question last night on Dumb Questions Daily?

Saturday's Champ: I should probably have been clearer. What I meant was "Which was a better movie, The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi hence the Kevin smith reference to Clerks and Randal's question to Dante 'Hey, which did you like more, Empire or Jedi?'" Nobody took it that way, so I've got to give it to Matty for now. That question will return in its proper form eventually.

Matty: Look Ray, there's only one correct way to answer this and that's to reference Battlefront and Battlefront II for XBox. Who had the better weapons and troops? The Empire. Who had the best Master? The Jedi with Yoda, but after that the Empire has Darth Maul, Darth Vader, and Palpatine in increasing levels of awesomeness. Also, they can electrocute people which is freakin' badass. The Empire is way awesome and the only reason they lose is becasue George Lucas wanted to send some stupid message about good versus evil with good prevailing against the odds. Also, the Empire has way sweeter ships with the exception of the Millennium Falcon, though I think the Slave II may be just as kick ass. Empire, in a landslide. It's why we always play with that side. On that note, I'm gonna go play Battlefront II.

Electrocute people? Come on Matty. Strangling people from a distance while they hover in the air and kick their legs is way cooler than the whole electrocution thing.


Anonymous said...

Drinking, Ray. It's always a good excuse and one that all of our friends will not only accept, but commend you for.

Nicole Cammorata said...

dammit Ray - you always do the literature questions over the weekend and I don't go online on weekends!! I would've said Ernest Hemingway because of his bombastic, misogynistic prose. His writing is arrogant, mastabatory and self-serving. Everytime some ignorant chick says that Hemingway is "like, my FAVORITE writer" I cringe. Reading "The Old Man and the Sea" in the 10th grade and finally understanding what biblical imagery is should not make it your favorite book, idiot.

Nicole Cammorata said...

As for today's questions:

You didn't submit a question because you were having crazy, wild sex with your hottie girlfriend in your new bachelor's pad. Other than drinking, that's the ONLY acceptable excuse.

Becca said...

Dammit Nicole! You said exactly what I was going to say. Slore.

My second choice of excuses is that, since it was a weekend, you were driving around for 24 hours trying to find a parking space near your building. Hey, it could happen.

Caitlin said...

Yeah Ditto Nicole that was my first thought. Drinking and sex.

Anonymous said...

The lack of a question is not excusable, how dare you rob me of the little joy in my life? But alas you didn’t post a question because you were standing in front of the mirror repeating aloud “Dr. DiSanza. It's got a nice ring to it doesn't it? Dr. Ray DiSanza. Dr. Raymond Joseph DiSanza” for 12 hours. You pompous narcissistic jerk. After inflating your ego, you climbed aboard your jet and flew to the delightful town of Kentfield. Why? For the dedication of DiSanza Way. Yes, it’s true. MC track and field will forever be changed. For the better? Shmeh?